The Sandre, core part of the French water information system (SIE)
Since 1992, the French producers of public water data have engaged a consistency process for their data in the framework of the French water information system [fr]. The water data national scheme (schéma national des données sur l'eau * or SNDE * ) fixes a regulatory framework for SIE * . The organisation of the French National Service for Water Data and Reference Datasets * Management (service d'administration nationale des données et référentiels * sur l'eau or Sandre) is described in it.
What is the Sandre mission ?
The Sandre has for mission to build and make available the water reference data * sets of SIE * . These reference data * sets are made up of free of charge technical specifications and code lists and describe how to exchange water data at the scale of France. From an IT perspective, the Sandre guarantees interoperability * of French water information * systems.
What is the Sandre organisation ?
The Sandre is organised in a network of SIE-contributing institutes that bring their thematic knowledge, participate to the reference data sets management and ensure the overall coherence. The SNDE * , complemented by technical documents, including those of the Sandre, must be respected by all its contributors, pursuant to Decree n° 2009-1543 of 11 December 2009. The Sandre comprise data administrators in each contributing institute. Managed by Onema , this network is supported by a technical secretariat ? provided by International Office for Water , which move, develop and make available these reference data sets.